Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023Liked by Benedict Cryptofash

This is a general statement wrt to the dissident left/right. Having been in university with TA's that fit the chapo/ jacobin stereotype. You listen to leftists decry people like Hayek and other totally irrelevant thinkers that only exist in university lectures. Same with the dissident right, they think Saul Alinsky is still alive and pulling the strings. To me left vs right online is literally just the sociology students vs the business/econ students. You can tell that both groups sucked every bit of shit out of their professors ass. Look at the burgis, brooks, chapo sphere, to them, ron paul is in power of everything and destroying their epic roads. Obviously one of the many issues of leftists is their blind allegiance to the state, they think we still live in a pre 1933 gold confiscation period where private industry and the state are constantly at odds. Same with Bap, they think America is still that short period in the 40s where there were occasional propaganda posters of "Uncle Joe Stalin". Both of their positions came from their retarded uni profs and its obvious that no matter how "dissident" they are, their entire orientation came from ivy league universities that are explicitly linked to the State.

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Ouch. I always thought IM1776's aesthetic was aimed at the bourgeois bohemian art-ho demo; cultural elites who do not fit in the Hobbit-Hooligan-Vulcan structure. Dan Bongino for the Hobbits, BAP for the Hooligans and American Affairs Journal for the Vulcans.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Benedict Cryptofash

IM1776 is meant for strung out mid 30s NYC women (BAP, Anna) who want to be different. Pretty sure a large amount of the team working with Desantis is also behind it as well, like that 5'1 roided out bald dude.

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